Nutrition supplements and the eye

تاریخ : ۱۳۹۳/۰۹/۱۸ / تعداد بازدید : ۵۰۰
A  review  of  the  role  of  vitamins minerals,  carotenoids  and  essential  fatty  acids in  relation  to  eye  health.  The mode of  action may  be  directly  on  the  eye  or  by  promoting bodily  health  on  which the  eye  depends.
The  lens  and  retina  suffer  oxidative damage  and  the  anti-oxidant  vitamins  A,  C and  E  are implicated  as  protective.  Studies in man give indifferent support to the role of nutrition in the development of cataract.  In the elderly, vitamin intake may be inadequate, so that a vitamin supplement may be reasonable. Zinc  has  a  role  in  retinal  metabolism  and  may be  beneficial  in macular degeneration. Selenium has an anti-oxidant role.  Other minerals including copper have a less defined role.  Carotenoids are concentrated at the macula and have an anti-oxidant role.  A reduced risk; of macular degeneration is found in relation to a high serum level.  The  essential fatty acid,  gamma-linolenic  acid  (GLA),  is useful in Sjogren's syndrome  and  may help  in other  dry  eye conditions.  Omega-3 fatty acids are important in retinal development and have a role in preventing cardiovascular disease.
All persons should be encouraged to maintain healthy nutrition.  Middle-aged and elderly patients may benefit from a supplement.  An  intake  in  excess  of  the recommended daily  intake  may be beneficial, but this  is  not  proven.  Further  clinical  trials are  indicated  to  define  the  advisability  of vitamin,  mineral and  other  supplements. Dosages for recommended intake and for supplements are given.
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